Allegheny Fence offers a variety of wood fences for every purpose. Our most popular wood fence is custom built treated or red cedar wood fence. The style of a custom built fence varies by individual taste. It can be as simple a basic picket fence or as decortive as a shadowbox style with elaborate finials and a scalloped top. Most of our installations are custom built. We set your posts in solid concrete footers, install the horizontal rails, place each vertical picket and build your gates. Many different picket tops are available.
Choose your picket and post design from our standard styles or choose an add on finial.
French Gothic and Gothic picket and post designs may not have a pointed top. A set up fee may result if a pointed top is desired.
Also available is stockade fence. Standard panels are 6' high x 8' wide. This fence is available in using a mixed northern whitewood or cedar. Using a panel can reduce the cost as compared to a custom installation. However, panels typically work best on level landscape and may need to be "stepped" on a grade or hill.
Our traditional split rail fence is also a popular style. Available in 2 or 3 rail, split rail fence is built using locust posts and hemlock rails. While these types of wood are untreated, they possess natural properties that are resistant to decay. Welded wire or chain link material can be attached to any split rail fence for added security and protection.